Attract the right candidates

Industry Insights / 14th Feb 2020

Does your company stack up? How to make your organisation more attractive to candidates.

During the job hiring process, a lot of emphasis is put on how a candidate presents themselves to a potential employer – but have you ever thought about how your company looks to candidates? Often companies forget that the job hiring process is a two-way relationship. To attract the right candidates, how you present yourselves as an organisation is just as important if you want to find qualified and enthusiastic job applicants that genuinely want to work for you. 

With this in mind, we’ve rounding up some of our top tips for how you can make your organisation stand out to the right candidates:  

  • Highlight your company culture in the job advert 

Nowadays, candidates aren’t just looking for a job with the highest salary – a large consideration is also put into how a company looks after and retains their current workforce. Do you offer your employees a complimentary gym membership or provide flexible hours? Then let it be known in the job advert! Social media is also a great place to highlight your company culture. 

  • Be conscious of how you word your job adverts  

Your job adverts’ tone of voice is crucial for a candidate deciding whether to apply to your role or not. You’ll therefore want to be mindful of the types of words you use and not come across ‘too serious’. Of course you don’t want to downplay the hard-work required for the role, but using inclusive wording, which is a bit more-light hearted, and shows off the company’s personality can go a long way in attracting the right type of candidate for your organisation. 

  • Make sure your website and social media is up to date  

Candidates serious about applying to your job advert will no doubt take a look at your website and social media. It’s therefore vital that this is up to date. Think of your website and social media as your CV – you therefore want to make sure that it’s the best it can be. 

  • Enhance candidates’ experience 

So, a candidate has decided to apply to the role, brilliant! But now they’ve got to fill in a lengthy application form – not so brilliant. Most candidates quit lengthy application processes, but applications that can be filled out in less than five minutes attract are much more likely to be completed. You’re much better off asking candidates to upload their CV and cover letter and complete a few qualifying questions. Stick to simple and relevant questions and avoid asking for information you can find on their CV. 

  • Maintain contact with interested candidates 

Just like you wouldn’t let a business lead go cold, maintaining contact with interested candidates is a great way to build your network. Enabling interested individuals to sign up to job updates and company newsletters keeps them in the loop and provides them with a gentle reminder of your company, should they be job-hunting again in the future.  

There’s no doubt that the recruiting process can be long and challenging but being proactive as a company can go a long way in ensuring a more stress-free and seamless experience. 

Taking the time to make sure that your organisation is one that candidates wish to work can be lengthy and costly. Get in touch with your specialist recruiter, Talent Search to take on the work for you. Call us on 07961 843009 or email

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